- Sign up & Drop out
1, To sign up, contact Mei He (meistudio.artclasses@gmail.com, or wechat: yunyidurham) with candidates’ recent works. A trial class ($35) is optional for candidate students. After admission, parents (or students) need to provide basic information such as students' names, address, email and phone number, etc.
2, Students who decide to drop out from the Mei Studio need to send writing notice (email) one month in advance. - Class fee
Click here to see fees and other details of 2022 semesters. - Absence
1, Certain amount of make-up classes would be arranged every month. Make-up classes schedules for next month would be posted at the end of previous month. Due to the limited seats, not all missed classes can be made up.
2, Each student can only sign up for one make-up class within one month.
3, Make up classes can be done by switching schedules with other students.
4, Any missed make-up classes by any reasons cannot be made-up again. - Class Cancellations
Any class cancellations due to any reasons - such as weather condition, teachers' illnesses, etc., will be either made up, or credited to the coming semester or coming month.
- 入学与退学
--- Mei Studio 面向对美术热情较大的学生开设。申请入学的学生须提供以往最好作品。申请者可以试课($35)。被录取的学生家长(或学生)应及时提供学生的基本信息,包括:学生姓名及年龄,家长姓名,联系电话,电邮,以及家庭地址。
--- 退学的学生须提前一个月书面通知(电邮)老师。 - 学费: 2020年春季学费概况 .
- 缺席:
1, 每个月会有适量的补课机会。每个月的补课安排将在前一个月末发出通知。由于补课位置有限,不一定每次缺课都能有补课机会。
4,安排了补课又再(以任何理由)缺席的情况将不再有补课机会。 - 取消课程
出于任何原因 - 比如天气,老师生病,等等 - 而取消课程,将会被安排补课,或将缺课的费用从下学期(或下个月)的学费中扣除。